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Contribute a component

Anyone can add assets to the community component index. Maintainers can submit a short pull request in GitHub to add components to the index.

Add a component using the GitHub UI

  1. In the index folder of the carbon-website GitHub repo, open your team folder. Create a folder if your team doesn’t have one yet.

  2. Click Add file (top right), then Create new file.

  3. Name your file component-name.yml, where component-name is the name of your component.

  4. Copy and paste the following template into the Edit new file section of the page and fill out the correct information for your component.

    name: component name
    website_url: >-
    url of documentation / guidance page (if any)
    code_url: >-
    url of component code on GitHub
    maintainer: name of maintainer team
    description: >-
    short description of purpose and usage of component
    framework: choose one of Vanilla | Angular | React | Vue
  5. Once done, click the green Commit new file button at the bottom.

After submitting the PR for the data, you should upload a thumbnail image.

  1. Go back to your team folder in the index.
  2. Inside your team folder, open the images folder.
  3. In the top right, click Add file then Upload files to upload your image to that page then submit the PR. Note: name your image file with the same name as the component (e.g. component-name.png to match component-name.yml).

And you’re done! The Carbon team will review and merge the PR.

If you’re unsure about how to make a PR through GitHub, create an issue in the repo instead and we’ll help you out. Be sure to include all the necessary component information and images.